Strawberry On The Shortcake (JDrama 2001)
Strawberry On The Shortcake (JDrama 2001)
Title: ストロベリー・オンザ・ショートケーキ
Title (romaji): Strawberry on the Shortcake
Also known as: S.O.S. / SOS
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Human Drama
Episodes: 10
Viewership ratings: 17.3%
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 2001-Jan-12 to 2001-Mar-16
Air time: Friday 22:00
Theme songs:
Opening theme: Chiquitita by ABBA
Ending theme: S.O.S. by ABBA
At some point, Irie Manato began to withdraw himself from the world. Even when picked on, it's not the real Irie, but an act. However one day he meets a strange girl - Misawa Yui. Yui, who finds the tedium of everyday life unbearable, teases Manato with her almost too upfront and honest manner. Alone and afraid Manato wavers but finds himself drawn to her. But his feelings for Yui are doomed to be unrequited.
~ 1 DVDs
External links:
# Strawberry on the Shortcake at Wikipedia
# Strawberry on the Shortcake at DramaWiki
Hanazakarino Kimitachihe (TWDrama 2006)
Hanazakarino Kimitachihe AKA Hana-Kimi
Title: 花樣少年少女 / Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu
Also known as: Hanazakarino Kimitachihe / Hana Kimi
Episodes: 15
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Broadcast network: CTS / GTV
Broadcast period: 2006-Nov-19 to 2007-Mar-04 / 2006-Nov-25 to 2007-March-10
Air time: Sundays 21:30 / Saturdays 21:00
Opening theme song: Zen Me Ban by S.H.E
First Rui Xin cuts her long hair and then transfers from the States back to study at Ying Kai School. However, because Ying Kai is an all-boys’ school, Rui Xin must hide her real gender in order to get into Ying Kai. The fortunate thing is that not only is she in the same first year C class as Quan, but they are also roommates living in Room 205 of the second dorm.
However, just when Rui Xin is happy about being in such close contact with Quan, she is disappointed to find out that Quan has given up on high jumping. Yet, she gradually discovers that Quan still likes high jumping very much. She’s just not sure for what reason he would close himself up.
~ 2 DVDs data file
External links:
# Hanazakarino Kimitachihe at Wikipedia
Title: 花樣少年少女 / Hua Yang Shao Nian Shao Nu
Also known as: Hanazakarino Kimitachihe / Hana Kimi
Episodes: 15
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Broadcast network: CTS / GTV
Broadcast period: 2006-Nov-19 to 2007-Mar-04 / 2006-Nov-25 to 2007-March-10
Air time: Sundays 21:30 / Saturdays 21:00
Opening theme song: Zen Me Ban by S.H.E
First Rui Xin cuts her long hair and then transfers from the States back to study at Ying Kai School. However, because Ying Kai is an all-boys’ school, Rui Xin must hide her real gender in order to get into Ying Kai. The fortunate thing is that not only is she in the same first year C class as Quan, but they are also roommates living in Room 205 of the second dorm.
However, just when Rui Xin is happy about being in such close contact with Quan, she is disappointed to find out that Quan has given up on high jumping. Yet, she gradually discovers that Quan still likes high jumping very much. She’s just not sure for what reason he would close himself up.
~ 2 DVDs data file
External links:
# Hanazakarino Kimitachihe at Wikipedia